If you are a caregiver, chances are you have heard “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” a time or twelve. I think people who say this truly believe this well-meaning (?) sentiment. I beg you, please don’t EVER say this to a caregiver. Chances are, you haven’t been in their shoes. And more importantly, nobody knows what another person can handle. While some people can handle changing urine-soaked compression stockings, giving enemas, and changing adult diapers with grace, others find it harder to handle.
I will say that it’s amazing what you are able to handle as you take on a caregiving role. Most of us probably thought we could have never given our family member a shower, changed a diaper, or even harder…changed a diaper in the bed when the patient can’t help. I didn’t have to do this often, thanks to our amazing overnight caregivers, but when I did, I was not afraid to close the adult diaper with duct tape when the diaper ripped. If you have cared for a brain-injured person, chances are you have been hit, kicked, punched, pinched, and/or bitten. You have definitely been cussed at! Again, some people handle this with more grace than others. My point here is that caregiving is downright HARD on many levels. Instead of offering sentiments, offer your friends and family some HELP! *rant over*